Kleine-Levin syndrome is most frequently found in adolescent males. Individual treatment is definitely vital for your loved one in case you believe Kleine-Levin syndrome is a problem. Though the precise source of Kleine-Levin syndrome isn't known, sometimes this syndrome was preceded by means of a fever, strain, or overexposure to sunlight. It is a difficult sleep disorder to diagnose. It is a rare disorder that causes a person to sleep excessively. The exact source of Kleine-Levin syndrome isn't known. If you, or somebody you know, are among the hardly any men and women who have Kleine-Levin Syndrome, you might well be frustrated by the shortage of information about it.

In such situations, the diagnosis can't be confirmed without initially considering drug misuse or abuse, encephalitis, and numerous psychiatric aberrations. It is life-changing for the entire family. In front of a diagnosis of KLS is reached it is very important to rule out other causes like narcolepsy, encephalitis, tumours, medications, migraine and mental disorders. It is often missed because it is rare and there is lack of awareness.

Presently, there's no cure for KLS. There's no known cure, and there's very little evidence supporting drug therapy. Treatment There are no cures for Kleine-Levin Syndrome.

The signs can reappear with little if any warning. It's common, but might also be a sign of narcolepsy. Early thinking was that nearly all of these symptoms were experienced by men and women with Kleine-Levin Syndrome, which may have influenced medical diagnosis. In some instances, flu-like symptoms may also arrive with the sleep episodes. The symptoms during the episode may endure for a couple of days but can continue for a number of months in some instances, inhibiting normal daily pursuits.

At the start of an episode the individual gets progressively drowsy and sleeps for a lot of the day and night (hypersomnolence), waking only to eat or visit the bathroom. He should be allowed to rest at home in a safe and comfortable environment. In most instances, patients sleep 15 to 21 hours each day during episodes. They often report a triggering event prior to the onset of symptoms. They generally experience recurrent episodes of the condition for more than a decade and may return at a later age. KLS patients may get very agitated.

Patients might become aggressive, particularly if they are prevented from eating. In rare cases, they experience long-term memory problems. They will often eat anything that is put in front of them or any food that they happen to see. During an episode of Kleine-Levin syndrome, the individual gets very drowsy and sleeps throughout the evening and the majority of the day, called hypersomnolence. While experiencing symptoms, patients sleep the majority of the night and day. Many patients report a sense of derealization or deja vu during episodes, like they are in a dream-like state or experiencing life outside their very own bodies.

Patients have a tendency to eat compulsively and in sizeable amounts. They do not experience the same symptoms in each episode. The individual is frequently unaware of these movements altogether. It's rare for patients over age 30 years to present with their very first episode, and, although cases are reported, some authors question the presence of an adult-onset type of the disease.


Alex Peterson
October 14, 2017 at 5:53 pm
Hmmm. Interesting article